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Category: Life Insurance

  • Sell your Life Insurance for Cash

    Did you know that you can sell your life insurance policy? If you own a life policy of $100,000 or more and you’ve had a change in health since you first purchased your policy or if you are over age 65. Most types of life insurance policies qualify, including universal life, whole life, variable life, […]

    May 10, 2024

  • Car, house, and family insurance coverage

    Is Your Insurance Coverage Enough?

    Do you have adequate insurance coverage for your home and vehicle? Would you know if you did? Find out here whether your home is underinsured. Whether auto or homeowners, insurance is a powerful form of protection against disasters. Insurance makes rebuilding possible when something unexpected happens, whether a house fire or a car crash. Unfortunately, […]

    February 14, 2024

  • Travel map

    What is Travel Protection Insurance and Do I Need It?

    Travel insurance can minimize the financial risks associated with traveling. From accidents to illness to lost luggage, travel insurance has you covered. Vacations are usually an exciting time, filled with anticipation and activity planning. What travelers seldom plan for, however, are events that are a little less sun-and-fun and a little more doom-and-gloom.  Interruptions, cancellations, […]

    July 11, 2022

  • Teens at prom

    It’s Prom Season! 4 Tips to Keep Your Teen Safe

    Corsages, limousines, too much cologne, and a million and one selfies. That’s right, it’s prom season again! Learn how to keep your teen safe on this milestone night. Prom — a time of exhilaration and celebration for teens eager to get out and enjoy themselves, but a nerve-wracking test of trust for even the most […]

    June 13, 2022

  • Do I Need Life Insurance?

      Do I Need Life Insurance?   The short answer, yes. You don’t want to leave anyone in financial trouble when you pass away. More than likely there are other people besides yourself that depend on you and the money you bring home. Do you have a spouse? Children? A mortgage? Car payment? I know […]

    May 10, 2021

  • Types of Life Insurance We Offer

    Types of Life Insurance We Offer There are many different types of life insurance that an individual can choose from, and we are here to help you choose which policy will fit your unique wants and needs. In any type of life insurance, you will pay a premium that can be financed on a monthly, […]

    April 8, 2021